Reasons you should fill out the form below…
If your IT guy’s idea of “security” is hiding the router under a desk.
If you’re paying your MSP 5-figures a month and the only name you know is the sales guy who calls you every December.
If ransomware hit last week, and you’re still debating whether to pay the ransom or just buy a Ouija board.
If your cloud migration feels like moving into a new house where half the furniture’s still in boxes—and on fire.
If your server room’s so dusty, your IT guy’s calling it an archaeological dig site—and the only treasure is downtime.
If your IT budget’s a black hole, and you’re pretty sure SpaceX is orbiting it somewhere.
If your software updates freeze harder than a deer in headlights, and you’re the one getting run over.
If your IT crew’s so swamped, they’re outsourcing fixes to a Magic 8-Ball—and it’s still saying, “Try Again Later.”
If your network’s so spotty, it’s like trying to watch TV with aluminum foil antennas.
If you’re one glitch away from firing the whole IT crew—or just throwing your laptop out the window.
If your CEO’s asking, “Why are we paying for this again?” and the IT answer’s just a blank stare.
If your cybersecurity training’s a memo saying, “Don’t click that”—but someone still did, twice.
If your Point of Sale system crashes mid-rush, and customers are staring like you’re the punchline of a bad joke.
If your servers are overheating, and it’s sweating more than us at the Zoom meeting we schedule next week.
If you’re ready to ditch the IT circus and get a real ringleader— phraCTO is here, no clowns included.